Soter Robotics

The Future is Here. Work Smart.

Autonomous UGV

Remote land management platform that does the dirty work for you, while you relax and sip your favourite beverage.


Green area maintenance

Maintain your overgrown green areas with ease by utilizing all compact tractor and cultivator mowing attachments.


Remote pesticide spraying

The only way to keep yourself 100% protected from chemical residue is DISTANCE


Comunal work

Ultimate platform for communal services that keep your sidewalks clean and free of snow.


Flail mower with an inter-row disk

Heavy duty compact tractor tool
120 cm flail mower
40 cm inter-row disk

Pesticide spraying and watering tools

Spraying system with remotely operated start/stop functions for optimal utilization
220l tank

Snow blower and sweeper
brush for cummunal work

100cm snow blower
120cm sweeper brush

Autopilot add-on

5km autopilot with RTK gps and full HD live video feed, all in one

Flail mower with an inter-row disk​

Heavy duty compact tractor tool 120 cm flail mower 40 cm inter-row disk

Pesticide spraying and watering tools

Spraying system with remotely operated start/stop functions for optimal utilization 220l tank

Snow blower and sweeper brush for cummunal work

100cm snow blower 120cm sweeper brush

Autopilot add-on​

5km autopilot with RTK gps and full HD live video feed, all in one

Soter Rover key benefits

Robotics and modern digital technology outperform outdated traditional agricultural equipment in every segment of land maintenance.

0 hp
all terrain UGV
4 x4
low weight compact design
110 x110x80
0 %
fuel consumption
- 0 %
work output
0 m2h


Utilize different cultivator and compact tractor attachments with Soter Robotics’ unique quick three-point hitch system


Up to 5km HD video feed for accurate remote operation of robotic platform.


Create your custom mission and let the Rover do the dirty work for you.

Bike Park Bukovac


“Park management by trimmers is 7 times slower than using the Soter Rover. Since we started using modern tech instead of manual labor, our 2 hectare park maintenance became fun for the first time in a while”


Sremski Karlovci

“For maintenance of our 2 hectare lavender plantation the only drawback we see in using Soter Rover is the lack of physical exercise”

Rozika Markl

69 years old

“Afer working aboad for 30 years, our retirement plan was to return to our home country, and become selfsustainable organic farmers, on our ancestral land. Team Farmbot helped us in making our dreams a rality, through their innovative digital solutions.”

Danilo Lukić

40 years old fruit producer

“Lack of manual labor forced us to search and experiment with alternative solutions for maintenance of our orchards and fields. With the highly versatile (UGV) Soter Rover, all of our agricultural operations are conveniently within reach, streamlining our workflow and maximizing efficiency.”


Smart Optimized Transformative Efficient Reliable