Raising Starts 2.0
Izabrani smo za učešće u Raising Starts, prvom pre-seed programu u Srbiji namenjenom startap timovima i kompanijama u najranijim fazama razvoja inovativnih proizvoda i usluga! Kroz rad sa mentorima, obuke i sveobuhvatnu stručnu podršku, Program će nam omogućiti da steknemo znanja i veštine da ubrzamo razvoj naše inovacije, otvorimo vrata globalnog tržišta i dođemo do novih potencijalnih partnera i investitora.
Team Farmbot, a start-up from Serbia with the idea to design a multifunctional, hybrid drive, a robotic platform with an autonomous movement capability for spraying the crops, enabling better efficiency and higher safety for end users.
Environmental and Social Management Plan
Innovation fund mini-grants program Za potrebe sprovođenja Programa ranog razvoja – Mini Grants, finansiranog od strane Inovacionog fonda, Project ID IF: 52031 Soter Rover 2.0, Farmbot d.o.o. Novi Sad pripremio je “Okvirni plan za upravljanje životnom sredinom i socijalnim pitanjima” (Environmental and Social Management Plan). „Okvirni plan za upravljanje životnom sredinom i socijalnim pitanjima” je […]
We host journalists from national TV stations Prva and RTS1
Nikola and Soter Rover were guests on a Serbian National TV stations Prva and RTS. With this appearance, Soter continues its mission of educating people about the importance of using remotely operated machinery while mowing, spraying, and doing other types of challenging field work. We talked about worker safety and the benefits that automation of the Agri-Food sector brings to […]
Soter goes to agri-tech fairs
The biggest event of the Novi Sad Fair, the 89th International Agricultural Fair, was held in its standard spring term, from May 21st to 27th. It retained the traditional format, which gave exhibitors the opportunity to present themselves indoors and outdoors at the oldest fairgrounds in this part of Europe. It brought together 1,100 exhibitors from […]
Agro TV appearance
Bolja zemlja TV show appearance
Visit to FPM Agromehanika
We payed a visit to FPM Agromehanika to get familiar with their products as well as to talk about the possibility of using their cultivator attachments on our rovers.
We participated in competition for the best technological innovation of Serbia and won 3rd place.
It was our honor to take part in competition for the best technological innovation of Serbia organized by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and Serbian Chamber of commerce among others. Out of 260 teams who had applied , we managed to take 3rd place. We would like to congratulate to all the finalists. […]